fredag 29. juni 2018

Cop meaning

Aight, lemme cop summa dat weed. Used to refer to a police interrogation technique in which one officer feigns a sympathetic or protective attitude while another adopts an aggressive approach. Define COP at AcronymFinder. A cop is a police officer.

This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of COP is. English dictionary definition of cop.

One that regulates certain . Meaning of COP as a finance term. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of cop is. What is cop to (phrasal verb)? In the US, a legal defendant can also cop a plea, or agree to a plea bargain.

The earliest meaning of cop was to catch, probably from the Latin capere, to take . See more synonyms for cop on Thesaurus. Smith attended both funerals as a cop and as the husband of Police Officer .

Video shows what cop means. saurus:police officer. A police officer is called a cop. Licensed from iStockPhoto. The definition of cop is a spindle of thread or yarn, or is slang for police officer. Some sources say this word related to the Dutch word kapen, with a similar meaning.

Cop commonly refers to: Police officer. Arts, entertainment, and media. Cop ” has long existed as a verb meaning “to take or . The COP is the supreme decision-making body of the Convention.

All States that are Parties to th. Looking for the definition of COP ? Find out what is the full meaning of COP on Abbreviations. The New Oxford Dictionary has the full definition as: .

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